Vocation Copenhagen blev stiftet i 2021 efter mange års brug af lister og kalendere, der ikke bidrog til hverdagsorienteringen. Vi søgte ét produkt, der samlede de elementer, man skal bruge, for at få overblik over sin hverdag. Derfor skabte vi The Vocation Planner.
Vores vision er at bidrage med æstetiske, minimalistiske samt funktionelle kontorartikler, der gør planlægningen til et sjovt, let og stressfrit gøremål. Et af vores fokuspunkter er desuden at skabe et selvkærligt og positivt liv, og vi går ikke på kompromis med hverken vores fysiske eller psykiske velvære. Vores fremtidige produkter vil udtænkes med samme vision, hvor funktionalitet og livskvalitet er altafgørende.
Vores produkter skal være brugbare og funktionelle for alle, og de skal hjælpe dig med at skabe det liv, du drømmer om. Vi håber, du vil dele vores rejse mod et positivt og selvkærligt liv.
Har du nogen spørgsmål, kan du kontakte os på e-mail: hello@vocationcopenhagen.com
B2B Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions of Vocation Copenhagen
These terms and conditions apply to all B2B business with Vocation Copenhagen. The conditions were updated September 2021.
Company Information
Vocation Copenhagen I/S
Lokesvej 19
3140 Ålsgårde
CVR: 42073784
Acceptance of the terms
These terms apply to the extent that no other written agreement is entered between Vocation Copenhagen and the dealer. General terms and conditions for dealers do not apply for orders placed with Vocation Copenhagen.
All prices are excl. VAT and other applicable taxes, tolls, customs duties and tariffs. Prices are subject to rising prices for materials, wages and legislative changes, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Fixed prices only apply during the periods specified regarding acceptance and delivery deadline.
Retention of title
Vocation Copenhagen retains all ownership of the products until the order is paid in full by the retailer.
Marketing and advertising
Only Vocation Copenhagen's authorized materials (including product texts) and images may be used for advertising and selling of the products. Authorized materials and images can be collected through email (hello@vocationcopenhagen.com).
Dealers are not entitled to use their own images, etc. of Vocation Copenhagen products for advertising and selling of the products, unless Vocation Copenhagen has given consent. Vocation Copenhagen may ask the dealer to remove any images that are not authorized and update its advertisement and its website with current images from Vocation Copenhagen.
The approved materials and images may only be used for advertising and sale of the products.
The retailer must always comply with Vocation Copenhagen's instructions regarding advertising of the products, including presentation in the retailer's website. The retailer must always comply with guidelines set by Vocation Copenhagen, which are updated from time to time, including guidelines for marketing on social media.
It is the sole responsibility of the retailer that all advertising is in accordance with national law.
The retailer must always respect a launch date announced by Vocation Copenhagen and refrain from any marketing activity before the permitted date and refrain from making sales before the relevant launch date.
The dealer must always state all applicable product certificates, approvals and other material relating to product safety.
If the dealer does not comply with this advertising clause, Vocation Copenhagen reserves the right to terminate the business relationship with the dealer immediately.
Dealers' sales channels
Vocation Copenhagen products delivered to the buyer must be sold in the agreed upon store(s) and/or website(s).
Dealer's store and online terms
Vocation Copenhagen is a Scandinavian brand that stands for quality, functionality and original design. If Vocation Copenhagen, in its sole discretion, believes that the retailer's store and online appearance do not meet Vocation Copenhagen's standards in terms of appearance and overall image of the Vocation Copenhagen brand, Vocation Copenhagen can immediately terminate the business relationship with the retailer. If the dealer has caused damage to the goodwill and image of the Vocation Copenhagen brand, Vocation Copenhagen reserves the right to make claims against the retailer. Vocation Copenhagen also reserves the right to repurchase the retailer's remaining stock of Vocation Copenhagen's products at purchase price. All shipping costs in connection with this are borne by the dealer.
Intellectual property rights
All intellectual property rights related to the products belong to Vocation Copenhagen. Retailer does not acquire any intellectual property rights in relation to the products. Dealers may not make changes or additions to the design, construction or specification of the products or their packaging without the consent of Vocation Copenhagen.
If the retailer becomes aware of a possible violation of Vocation Copenhagen's intellectual property rights, the retailer must immediately notify Vocation Copenhagen.
Orders are final when Vocation Copenhagen confirms the dealer's order by sending an order confirmation, unless the dealer opposes the order confirmation within seven days. Thereafter, the dealer may not cancel, change or postpone the order without a written agreement from Vocation Copenhagen.
Any changes or cancellations regarding the order between the dealer and Vocation Copenhagen will only be accepted if these are addressed in writing within seven working days after receipt of the order confirmation. If no changes are made by the dealer within the seven working days, the order will be considered final and confirmed. Vocation Copenhagen has the right to demand a fee of 30 percent of the total amount for the order excl. VAT if changes or cancellations are requested after the order is considered final and confirmed.
Vocation Copenhagen reserves the right to cancel a pre-order and add a 30 percent cancellation fee when the delivery window is delayed, and the dealer has failed to take care of the outstanding amount or before the end of the delivery.
Minimum orders (applies unless otherwise agreed in writing by Vocation Copenhagen): 300 USD
The order process:
- Dealer places the order
- Dealer receives order confirmation
- Vocation Copenhagen packs the order
- Dealer receives request for prepayment
- Dealer pays in advance
- Vocation Copenhagen sends the order
- Dealer receives the shipment
Vocation Copenhagen sends all orders. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all shipping and risk must be paid for by the retailer. Every effort is made to find the cheapest shipping costs. These costs are not negotiable. Any customs duties are paid by the retailers.
Vocation Copenhagen reserves the right to delay the goods and is not responsible for delays. Delivery delays do not give the dealer the right to cancel the order until after a written request has been sent to Vocation Copenhagen to justify the matter - and only after Vocation Copenhagen does not deliver within a reasonable time.
If the dealer causes a delay in delivery, the delivery time is extended in circumstances that are considered reasonable.
Force majeure
All force majeure events shall release Vocation Copenhagen from the performance of the contractual obligations concerned during and if caused by such disturbances.
Force majeure includes events such as war, riots, civil unrest, pandemics, government intervention, strikes, lockouts, export and/or import restrictions, missing, incomplete or delayed deliveries from suppliers, labor shortages, currency restrictions, lack of transportation or other reasons outside Vocation Copenhagen's control, which has the effect of delaying or preventing the production and delivery of goods.
If one or more of the above circumstances temporarily prevents timely delivery, the delivery time is postponed for the period of force majeure. If delivery is prevented for a period longer than three months, Vocation Copenhagen is entitled to cancel the order placed without being liable to the dealer.
Defects and complaints from customers
Vocation Copenhagen's products are of high quality in terms of material and processing.
If shortcomings in the delivered goods are detected within a year, Vocation Copenhagen may at its sole discretion decide whether to credit retailer for the returned defective goods, which shall be returned at the expense of retailer. The aforementioned obligations require Retailer to collect minimum 5 claims from its customers and complain in writing to Vocation Copenhagen. Retailer shall be obliged to obtain the defective goods from the customers complaining and shall forward the defective goods with a description of the claim to Vocation Copenhagen.
If defects are found in the delivered goods within a year, Vocation Copenhagen may, at its own discretion, decide whether to credit the dealer for the returned defective goods, which must be returned at the retail's expense. The above obligations require that the retailer collects at least five claims from its customers and advertises in writing to Vocation Copenhagen. The retailer is obliged to obtain the defective goods from the customers who advertise and forward the defective goods with a description of the claim to Vocation Copenhagen.
Vocation Copenhagen total liability to the retailer is limited to the purchase amount for the relevant order. This also includes injuries caused by employees to the extent permitted by law.
Vocation Copenhagen is not responsible for damage to the goods caused by defects in the delivered product.
Vocation Copenhagen is only responsible for direct losses. Vocation Copenhagen is not responsible for indirect losses or consequential losses, including, but not limited to, operating losses, loss of future profits or loss of goodwill or image.
Vocation Copenhagen also disclaims responsibility for Vocation Copenhagen products, to which materials manufactured by a third party are added, unless the damage can be attributed to the product manufactured by Vocation Copenhagen.
Dealer complaints and return of goods
Any errors or defects in the delivery of Vocation Copenhagen must be claimed within ten days after such have been discovered.
It is the dealer's duty to show what the fault is. If a retailer discovers errors, Vocation Copenhagen must be contacted via the complaint list with at least five items with item numbers, reason for complaint and the item's price.
All complaints must be approved by Vocation Copenhagen, and the goods must be returned to:
Vocation Copenhagen I/S
Lokesvej 19
3140 Ålsgårde
Returns must be informed in writing and approved by an employee of Vocation Copenhagen. Unauthorized returns: If returned from a dealer without knowledge of Vocation Copenhagen, Vocation Copenhagen reserves the right to charge handling fees to the dealer.
Rejected delivery by a dealer is understood as unauthorized return, and cancellation fees may apply.
In the event of incorrect delivery, the dealer must notify Vocation Copenhagen in writing no later than eight working days after receipt of the item. After this day, no returns will be accepted.
Complaints regarding defects and defects are always assessed in relation to the condition of the products before use. Complaints are not accepted if the dealer or dealer's customer has caused the defect. Dealer will only receive a refund if there are significant defects in the products.
Law and place
The terms and the business relations of the parties must in all respects be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Danish law, as the CISG and the Danish choice of law rules are disregarded.
Any dispute between the parties that arises due to or in connection with these terms and the parties' business relationship or any agreement entered as a result thereof, shall be made by the Maritime and Commercial Court.